Saturday, 7 March 2020

Why Hair Loss?

Hair loss, which is one of the problems experienced especially by men, is among the problems of women, albeit a little. Men also experience this problem at an early age. Therefore, after a certain period of time, this problem causes psychological collapse in individuals. There are many scientific reasons for hair loss even if it is caused by the wrong use of shampoo, stress and nerves. Although these reasons are stated by hearsay information and people tell each other, it is not always true. Every day, 4 out of 10 people always ask themselves the question “why is the hair lost?”. Here are the answers to these questions.

Hair loss is a natural phenomenon most of the time. The reason for this is that the hair follicles do this to renew themselves. Although other body parts such as beard and eyebrow shed their hair, this problem is mostly seen in hair. The hair growth phase varies between 2 and 6 years, and the rest phase from 2 to 3 months. Hair that grows by 90% is rested by 10%. The hair of people is not shed in this elongation phase, but in the resting phase. Since the hair that has been waiting for a long time is shedding in a short time, people feel bad when they encounter this situation. Although hair falling within normal limits has many reasons as mentioned above, first of all, what experts say is related to genetics.
This situation, which has started infrequently, passes down after a certain period of time. Although it lives in both men and women, it is mostly experienced in men. Hairs that fall out 25% in men at the age of 25 reach up to 50% after the age of 50. In women, hair loss results from the complete change of hormones after the greatest birth. Although not all women experience this problem, most women experience the problem of hair loss after birth. In addition, unsuitable hair care products, genetic problems, drugs used, unbalanced and incomplete protein food consumption, iron deficiency, hair breakthrough disease, Tricotilomania, mental disorders, menopause, and anthroposis, as well as hair loss in both men and women. is among the reasons.

What is Mustache Transplantation?

One of the most important areas of appearance for men is mustaches and beards in the face area. Mustaches, one of the cornerstones of the masculine appearance, may occur in individuals when they are not as often as they should be and in the structure. For exactly this reason, mustache cultivation is carried out. Deficiencies in the mustache structure are eliminated by doing mustache cultivation.

Why Is Mustache Transplantation Made?

There are several factors in the process. After the accident in the face area, the mustaches are sparse or some of them do not fall back, the mustaches that appear remarkably rare in the image affect the person negatively, the appearance of the so-called "mustache" is seen in the mustache area, and the mustaches do not appear at all, and the discomfort known as "mustache" appears in the mustache and round shapes occur in the form of a mustache. One of the main factors in the mustache transplant aesthetics is that when the burn accident is experienced, the face is affected and the mustaches are shed and never disappear and finally there is a visible inequality in the right-left parts of the existing mustache.

What is the Age Range for Mustache Transplantation?

In order for this process to be done, it is necessary to wait a little between the ages of 18-21 and evaluate the situation. Because after entering puberty in men, the testosterone hormone formed in the body until the ages mentioned, causes the growth and development of whiskers. If it is expected until this age, the whiskers that are thought to be sparse may grow suddenly or the mustaches that do not reach a certain age may begin to emerge.
However, if the desired density has not been achieved in the mustache region by the mentioned ages, the operation of mustache transplantation is the most effective way to reach a solution.

What to Consider Before Mustache Transplantation?

Just like in other operations, there are certain points to be considered before mustache cultivation.
Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided on the dates when the procedure is approaching, blood-accelerating activities and sports activities should be avoided, if there is a drug used, it should be shared with the specialist (drugs such as blood thinners, etc. may change the course of the operation), beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed on the day of operation. If it is necessary to change the clothes after the mustache planting process, it is easy to put on and take off (it is important to choose clothes that will not rub on the face) and the shortening process should be left to the expert hands without cutting the mustaches.

How to Do Mustache Transplantation?

The process to be performed is done by the FUE method, which is known to be used in such interventions. First of all, these roots are taken from the neck of the person as much as the required root determined in the controls, and the roots are planted in the mustache area.
In this operation, which is completed within 2-3 hours by giving local anesthesia to the person, no pain or pain is felt. In this intervention, which will not have any stitch marks, only the root grooves opened with micro-surgical methods on the skin to be transplanted are filled with the removed roots and the opening in the mustache area is closed.
It should be known here that the donor area selected for planting may not be only the nape of the neck. If appropriate, the required hair follicles can also be obtained from the arms or legs.
The important point here is that the roots taken rather than from which region the hairs are taken from can be planted in the proper way to the exit line of the existing whiskers (it is very important in terms of the integrity of the image, it is important to pay attention to which side they extend). This is directly proportional to the professionalism of the specialist physician performing the procedure.
 For example; While the 500 hair follicles taken are planted in the opened root areas, they should be planted carefully and very carefully. In the plantings that do not pay attention to the direction, an interesting appearance may occur after the mustache growth occurs.
After the procedure is completed, if the intervention to the person needs to be continued (openness in the region is the main reason for this), the operation is not finished in a single session; It is also known that it can be completed in 2-3 sessions. These sessions can be held after 8-9 months.

What should be considered after the procedure?

Since the conditions before and after mustache transplantation will not be the same, there are a few important points to be considered during the first 15 days after the procedure. First of all, it should be remembered that the recovery process will take at least 10 days. This means that crusting may occur in the process after the operation and small blood clotting may occur in the roots that are sown. If this type of situation is observed, it should be known that it is normal and should not be panicked.
While the patient is discharged, it is removed from the clinic together with bandages. These bandages, which will stay in the region for 3 days, should not be touched by water, and the bandages should not be removed and put on for checking. When the person goes to control at the end of the 3rd day, this bandage is removed, examined and cleaned.
As a result of 15 days following the planting process, the planted mustaches can be cut with the help of a small scissors. Shaving should never be done with a razor.
It should be taken into consideration that the roots will be in a very sensitive condition during the healing process, and situations that will create friction in the whiskers are avoided.
In the two to three weeks after the mustache transplantation, the usual "shock spill" situation may occur in this type of planting operations. When casting, one should not worry, it should be known that the shed mustaches will grow back from the same roots. From the 6th month after the operation, it is connected to the routine it should be and the mustaches return to their normal course.

How Much is Mustache Planting Price?

The mustache planting process price is determined in the control followed by the next step after the operation is decided. The main reason why it is impossible to offer a specified amount of price is due to the fact that the number of roots that people need may vary. Therefore, the price for this transaction can be clarified after the control of the specialist.
Hair transplantation prices will vary for 2020. The main reason for beard transplantation prices in 2019 is the experience and equipment of the hair transplantation team that will perform the process.

Hair Treatment Applications

In hair transplantation, many treatments are applied for hair first. The reason for these treatments is to strengthen the hair follicles. This is necessary for the grafts to be planted to be kept in full. Thanks to these treatment methods applied when the hair is weakened due to physiological aspects, the hair and the hair roots are strengthened.

The first method, RPR, is to repair the hair, skin and the hair follicles in it by using the materials in their own blood. The expansion of RPR is Platelet Rich Plasma. Although it is applied to people in a short time, its results are very effective. It is an effective method recommended by experts in hair loss. The purpose of this practice is to prevent hair loss in individuals with the substances used, strengthening the health of the hair again and strengthening the hair roots. In this method, since the people's own blood is used, there is no disease that will cause allergies or be transmitted from the blood. This shows that the treatment is good enough. Although the healing process takes a short time due to these conditions, the development of the hair is good. Since people's own blood is used, damaged hair and hair roots are repaired. RPR from hair treatment applications, blood is drawn from 10 to 20 ml from individuals. This blood is taken through certain methods to separate the red blood cells. A rich material is obtained from the remaining white cells and platelet cells and transferred to balding areas. Both men and women implement this method and get positive results.

Another hair treatment application is Hair Mesotherapy. This method, along with the hair roots, applies to the roots for healthy hair growth. The reason for being better than other methods is due to the fact that its drugs are given through small tubes. It does not have any side effects like other RPR method. This enables people to look positive when starting treatment. While applying this treatment, special tubes are injected into the designated areas thanks to special needles. Since it is made with a special method, the result satisfies the people more. These special drugs, which are given to capillaries from the middle of the skin, show a faster recovery process compared to other methods. Due to the substances in the applied product, it both speeds up the blood circulation and nourishes the hair follicles. This treatment method shows its effect by applying it between 4 to 10 sessions.

What is Eyebrow Transplantation?

The process of eyebrow transplantation is the creation of a new eyebrow structure by placing the grafts (which means "hair root") taken from the hair in the individuals' own nape areas to the roots opening to the cavities that need to be filled in the eyebrows.

Why is Eyebrow Transplantation?

There may be more than one reason for planting. Eyebrow loss, which is an uncomfortable situation for both genders, sometimes occurs due to diseases that are experienced, sometimes aesthetic interventions on the eyebrows are not done to the competent people, sometimes due to spills that occur in the eyebrows, sometimes stress and sadness, and sometimes very small traumatic events.
For example; Sometimes, permanent contour applications that women have on their eyebrows in beauty centers are not done by specialists, causing damage to the eyebrow roots and eyebrows can be shed irreversibly. Apart from this, because the people who buy eyebrows in the hairdressers get the eyebrows wrong, after a certain period of time, the condition that we call "vomiting" appears in the eyebrows and the eyebrows are shed. In men, sometimes due to work stress, sometimes at an earlier age, exam stress etc. Due to the circumstances, eyebrows can be poured and an uncomfortable gap may appear.

Kaş Ekimini Kimler Yaptırabilir?

Kaş ekimi erkeklerde de kadınlarda da rahatlıkla yaptırılabilecek işlemler arasındadır. Az önce bahsettiğimiz nedenlerden dolayı kaşları müdahalelik hale gelen bireyler uzmanların yaptıkları bir ekim işlemine tabi tutulabilmektedirler.

How to Do Eyebrow Transplantation?

Before eyebrow transplantation, the patient and doctor come together with an examination and decide what kind of eyebrow shape the person wants by drawing on the eyebrow. Thus, it is possible to determine whether the eyebrow shape desired by the patient is suitable for the face before the intervention. Because in some cases, there are differences between the model that the patient wants and the model that should be done, and the specialist physician has to make whatever model is suitable for the face.
Then, the number of hair follicles needed for the procedure should be determined and hair follicles are taken from this number of necks. This intake process is also performed with tools called micromotors. With this method, which collects roots one by one, enough roots can be obtained to achieve integrity in eyebrow tissue.
In the process that is continued by applying the FUE technique, it should be ensured that there is no situation that will prevent the implementation of this process with the tests made beforehand. Since conditions such as allergy, medication use pose a risk in the application of this technique, accurate and complete information should be given to the physician before the intervention.
Eyebrow transplantation is done to each person under local anesthesia. In general, the roots taken from the nucleus between 40 roots and 400 roots are transplanted within 1 to 2 hours. However, the main thing that is important in practice is that these transfers are done very carefully. Since the eyebrow directions in the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrows are different, the planted eyebrows must be planted by paying attention to the direction of the eyebrows.

When do the eyebrows begin to grow after the procedure?

After the eyebrow planting process, it takes a period of 3 months for the newly planted eyebrows to begin to grow. However, just like hair transplantation, shock loss may occur in the eyebrows after the first transplantation. This situation, which is quite natural, creates opportunities such as the start of the eyebrows without any difference from the normal structure if the care is taken care of after the intervention and the eyebrows can be removed in the normal routine after the 6th month.

Does Eyebrow Transplantation Help Shape?

Of course, eyebrow transplantation changes the shape of the eyebrows and gives the person a more aesthetic appearance. While the specialists in the field place the eyebrows that the person needs, they also eliminate the misaligned appearance of the eyebrows. So; According to the suitability, it is possible to make the flat eyebrow curved, make the pointed structure flat or make the initial part of the eyebrow thicker upon request.

When do Eyebrows Straighten After October?

It takes about 6 months for the eyebrows to reach the desired shape and reach the desired density. After the 4th month, it is observed that the bristles and shape begin to set, and now in the 6th month, the eyebrow structure is completely returned.

What Should Be Considered After Eyebrow Transplantation?

There are certain points to pay attention to those who implant eyebrows. The first one is sports, etc., which will speed up the blood flow and cause the appearance of blood collection in the region. is that activities should not be done until the recovery process is complete (corresponding to a 7-day period).
However, the first 1 week after the procedure is that it is usual to know that small crusts will form on the brow roots and these peels are not stripped. Because if the crusts are plucked, the roots, which cannot be fully attached to the eyebrow, can be poured and some of the planted roots will break before they settle. Finally, attention should also be paid to careful not to enter the solarium during the healing process, not to enter the sea or pool, or to be exposed to direct sunlight.

What are Eyebrow Transplantation Prices?

In order to determine the price of the planting, first of all, people need to have a control session with the specialist. The reason for this is the possibility that each individual's eyebrow loss can be of different structure and level. While it is sufficient for some people to have a smaller number of eyebrows, some people may need more eyebrow transplantation and the price to be paid automatically increases. For these reasons, it can be said that the price of the transaction may vary from person to person.

What is Beard Transplantation and How is Beard Transplantation Made?

How Is Beard Transplantation Performed?

The process of planting a beard is to be planted in areas where the hair roots to be taken from areas suitable for areas where there is a noticeable course or complete shedding in the facial part of the face, beard areas (hair from the neck, the upper part of the cheeks, the lower part of the neck or the dense beard area).

Why Beard Transplantation?
Beard transplantation is usually done in order to make the men more aesthetically confident and to be satisfied with their facial visuals. In general, the beard line and beard density that begins to sit slowly at the age of 18 in men do not come out with the desired density genetically in some cases and creates a negative psychological effect as the beards will appear in the form of a gap, perhaps because they do not.

  In such cases, it can be waited until the age of 21, and after 18 years of age, the procedure can be performed according to the patient's request. However, if the desired beard density is not reached after the age of 21, beard transplantation can be performed at the desired age and period since there is no upper age limit.

To Whom Beard Transplantation?

Beard transplantation is generally noticeably sparse in the beard structure (this is also known as "Köselik" among the people), people with a structural disorder and those who do not have a beard in areas where the beard should come out under normal conditions, those who have a gap in the beard part due to an accident and who have sex change surgery. applied to individuals.

How to Beard Transplantation?

We can answer the question of how to beard transplantation first, that the doctor and the patient should have a plan determined before the intervention. If it is acted in accordance with this plan, if the area to be planted is completely empty, approximately 1000 to 3000 roots are planted. The procedures to be carried out take between 2 and 5 hours and under limited anesthesia.
These roots to be planted are obtained from the neck of the patient, under the front neck region or from the hair on the body.

It is not possible to leave any traces in the regions where it is purchased.
The transplantation is generally done by using a method called FUE, as in hair transplantation, by the needles with a thickness of less than 1 mm, opening channels on the skin for the roots. After the transplantation is completed, slight redness may occur in the form of spots in the beard area due to the appearance of a blood clot from the opened channels. When the area is washed no later than 3 days later, these clots are also cleaned, and the beards remain in the newly shaved shortness and appearance.

What to Consider After Beard Transplantation?

The treated beard area should never be hand-operated and kept wet. In order for the small crusts formed in at least one week processes not to collect blood and to hold the planted beards well in the face area, it is desirable to lie on their backs and pay attention to the absence of friction. Also, weft scarf, turtleneck etc. products should not be used until the healing process is completed.
Another important part is that it is recommended that conditions such as sexual intercourse and active sports practices, which are blood-thinning activities, should not be done until they recover.

Where is Beard Transplantation done?

Individuals who want to have this application should definitely work with doctors who are experts in their field, find the doctors who will carry out the controls and planting procedures in agreement with the patient and carry out jointly. Doctors and centers working with reliable institutions and professionals should be preferred since the application will be performed under local anesthesia and controls should be continued without disruption.

Which Phd Should Be Taken For Beard Transplantation?

Beard transplantation operations must be done by plastic surgery specialists. The main branch of most of the doctors who do hair or beard transplantation is in the plastic surgery field.

Does Beard Transplant Determine?

The state of the process being determined is seen as the area of cultivation turns a little pink and at the beginning of the healing process, the hair follicles collect acne-style blood. Since it is noticed that the close-up of the men doing the intervention has also received a new look, it becomes clear, but after the healing process is completed, it is not certain that the beard is transplanted. Will it be clear if I have a beard attached? The question is one of the most common questions that come to us.

Are Beards Transplanted After Beard Transplantation Is Poured?

During the two-week period after sowing, the adaptation of the roots called "shock shedding" takes place. Although the patients are a little panic about this situation, this is actually quite normal. Because shed beards come out from the roots where they are planted again and grow like other beards without any problem.
However, it should not be forgotten that this process will take place between 4 and 8 months. It should be noted that the shed beards cannot be at the same level with the other beard integrity in a 1 month period. In addition, the increase of hair growth in the beard transplanted region can be seen not only due to the transplanted roots, but also with the formation of more roots around the region with the feeding of the roots.

What is Beard Transplantation Prices 2020?

Beard cultivation prices may vary according to the team that will apply 2020. The team's experience, experience, where it performs the planting process determines the beard planting prices.

Channel Opening Process in Hair Transplantation

There are many treatment methods in hair transplantation. Of course, not all of these methods are done at the planting stage. There are separate methods for strengthening the roots and separate methods for hair transplantation. There is also a channel opening process in hair transplantation. This process is completely different and is important for the treatment process.

The channel opening process in hair transplantation is done in the area where the roots will be opened. A specific area is determined before planting. Again in this field, a number of channels are opened by experts. Since the hair of the patient will be shortened without hair transplantation, how many channels will be determined according to the planned schedule before this procedure. When the hair transplant operation is started, it is generally followed in accordance with the plan, although in different situations. Special tools are used for these processes. One of these tools is used in the grooving method. In this way, the number of grafts to be planted with the opened canal is equal. Otherwise, the treatment is not progressing well enough. Hair transplantation treatment is a very detailed and careful task. It is very important that the experience of the specialists, the treatment center visited, the patient listens to the specialists. As the work done is tiring and long, patients are as careful as the experts.

Channel opening process is important in hair transplantation. The number of channels opened with the grafts taken at first must be equal. In addition, another important point in the operation is the moment when hair transplantation is started. Experts should be careful as each graft will be planted one by one. The roots taken during this stage are placed in the opened channels. Although people are a bit afraid of this stage, no pain or pain is felt as a local anesthetic will be performed. When the grafts are removed, they are placed in a sterile container with a nourishing fluid. However, in order to obtain positive results in treatment, these containers should not be kept in excess. When grafts are taken, they are taken as single, double and multiple. The reason for this is that grafts to be planted are not uniform. In the operation to be performed, it is necessary to place single grafts at the front and double and multiple grafts at the back for a natural appearance. In this way, it is seen that the hair that will come out looks more natural.

Most Curious About Hair Transplantation

As it is known, people who have hair problems can end these problems with hair transplantation operations. Of course, it is quite normal for many people to be against these operations with hearsay information or not being able to make a decision because they do not yet know. If you are experiencing indecision, conducting an extensive research on hair transplantation will be among the first suggestions, and with this research, you can stand out from all your prejudices.

If we touch upon the points that are wondered about hair transplantation, the first one will be whether the process poses any health problems as everyone can guess. If you think you have researched and entrust yourself to experts in your business, you should not be afraid. Because we can easily say that hair transplant operations performed by experts in their field do not have any harm to your health.

So, who can or will not have hair transplant operations done? Although these operations are performed under local anesthesia, although there is no big criterion, if you have a systematic condition that may occur during local anesthesia, it may be harmful for you. Apart from that, anyone who does not have such ailment can have a hair transplant.

Let's say you have made a decision on hair transplantation, but this time there are things you wonder about the operation. For example; We can list the questions such as how many hours the operation lasted, whether it was necessary to stay in the hospital after the operation, whether dressing was done, or if there were rash-like conditions after the operation. First of all, it is known that the operation takes between 6 and 8 hours. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the operation or operation. So you can go home after the operation. Since the area where the hair sample is taken is closed and the hair transplant area remains open, dressing is applied to the closed area. After a few days, while the hair is washed, the area where the dressing is applied is also washed and removed from the dressing. If we come to the question of whether there is rash after the operation, there may be a rash after the operation in the region where the transplantation is done or the hair samples are taken. However, we can say that this rash disappears within 10 days and this period is longer in sensitive skin.

Techniques Used in Hair Transplantation

Let us examine the question of what are the techniques used or applied in hair transplantation operations for those who think of hair transplantation based on the idea that every job has a way. What are these techniques? What stages are passed while applying? Which is healthier? What are the differences between them? Let's give the answers of the chain of questions that go on and on.

Let's start with what are the techniques used in hair transplantation. Today, the two most common techniques when it comes to hair transplantation are FUT (Follicular Unite Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction) techniques.

In the Fut technique, a narrow thin strip is cut first, based on the part of the nape that contains healthy hair. The hair follicles in this strip are extracted one by one under the microscope. These extracted hair follicles are then transferred to the non-hair area. The area where the skin is taken is also sutured by surgical methods. The second technique in hair transplantation, the fue method, is a technique developed after the fut method. In this technique, hair transplantation does not take the form of cuts from the skin. Hair removal process takes place from the healthy area where the hair is located, using a millimeter tool, ie, from the nape one by one. Then, it is planted one by one in the area where the hairless planting will be done.

Now let's talk about the differences between fut and fue techniques. The most important and important difference between these two techniques; While the hair follicles are taken by cutting from the nape in the fut technique, the hair follicles are taken one by one without any cutting in the fue technique. Therefore, since there is no cutting or sewing process, any wound, stitch scar etc. after the operation. you will not have a problem like. For this reason, fue technique is preferred more than fut technique. After the hair transplant operation, the hair transplantation center that used the fut technique, it is normal for the patients to have a tension for a few weeks depending on the cut and planting. But if you used the fue technique, you will not have such a problem. Generally, only hair follicles taken from the nape are used in the fut technique, when the hair follicle cannot be removed from the nape in the fue technique, from the chest, arm, etc. taken hair can also be used. After such a comparison, we can clearly see that the fue technique is both more practical and healthier in hair transplantation.

History of Hair Transplantation

People who have healthy and strong hair always seemed more pleasant or attractive to us. This is why we have always paid more attention to the care of our hair, whether female or male.

       For these reasons, excessive hair loss due to hairlessness or discomfort in the hair will inevitably affect human psychology. We are lucky that this problem is now resolved with hair transplantation centers. So what was this process? In which years it was found and in which years it was developed more? Let's review the answers to these questions about hair transplantation as follows.

       The hair transplant operation was performed by Japanese dermatologist Doctor Okuda for the first time in the world. This surgery took place in 1940. Then, in 1970, the rules of hair transplantation were explained by the American dermatologist Orentreich. In 1988, another American dermatologist, Doctor Benstain, wrote and published a scientific article explaining that it is possible to obtain a completely natural image about hair transplantation, which can be achieved by the follicular unit method.

       Later, firstly, a FUT (Follicular Unite Tranplantation) technique, in which a piece of skin was taken from the neck and the hair follicles in this piece was extracted and transferred to the balding area, emerged. After 2002, we can say that a new technique called fue hair transplantation (Follicular Unite Extraction), which does not need to take a piece of skin from the nape or any area for transplantation, and where the hair follicles are removed one by one, are transferred one by one. After 2005, this new technique has been put into an order for whom, how and how to use it. In a way, borders and rules have been determined.

As new techniques have been obtained about hair transplantation until this period, it is a certain fact that more techniques will emerge as technology advances. Because as the world evolves, technology advances and the techniques used in every respect become more practical. In the techniques that will emerge for hair transplantation, more practical and most importantly healthy developments will follow each other from now on.

End Your Hair Problems With Hair Transplantation.!

If you are experiencing a hair problem, for example, if you have baldness problems, or if you have lost hair due to any discomfort or if some of your hair is not growing, you can end all of these problems with hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation has followed a constantly developing path since 1940s. When this is the case, there is a noticeable increase in the number of people who have had this operation. But it is a fact that there are people who are hesitant as well. If you have done a good research, you have definitely noticed that there is no need to hesitate with the information you have about hair transplantation. Let us tell those who do not realize that these operations are not harmful or risky. With the right expert and the right intervention, you can achieve the results you want.

Let us underline that hair transplantation operations will give you this permanence, considering that the greatest feature they want is permanent in the methods to be used by those who have hair problems. Regardless of your problems, the only method to meet this situation, to restore your old look and even to restore your trust with your gained hair is hair transplantation.

People who had hair problems used to be harder. Because many reasons such as people who started to have hair loss after a year or a person who had hair problems were not preferred by other people in terms of aesthetics could cause people with psychological dimensions. Worst of all, hair transplantation prices were not as common as they are now. It was an inevitable fact that society had a prejudice to such solutions. Today, there are still people who are biased towards these operations. But as the society becomes more conscious than before, the necessity of these surgeries has gained importance. In other words, prejudices have started to fall apart. If you are having a hair problem and are considering a hair transplant operation, in the light of these situations, you can get out of your prejudices and get the aesthetic look and naturalness you want. To do this, all you have to do is to get good information and set out by making the right decisions about your request.

Hair Loss and Hair Transplantation

Hair loss is one of the problems that people of all ages often experience. Various things can cause this to happen. For example; you may be using a shampoo or conditioner that harms your hair. If you go for frequent color changes in your hair or use high temperature tools (tongs, straightener, perm machine etc.) to give different shapes, these are also important reasons for hair loss. In addition, your diet plays an effective role in hair loss. Because getting enough protein and vitamins is very important for the health of your hair like the health of your other organs. In addition, various diseases such as goiter, cancer, and even flu can accelerate hair loss. Stress-related problems and genetic conditions are also important reasons for hair loss.

In order for hair loss to be considered normal, the hair follicle criterion should be between 50 and 100 pieces per day. But if you have a hair loss problem that leads to a noticeable reduction in your hair, you should definitely see a skin doctor. Apart from that, if you have congenital or genetic hair loss, baldness, you don't need to stress yourself more because of these problems. Because medicine is making progress in the field of health every day, and this eliminates your problem with the hair transplantation center.

Hair transplantation is a hair transfer process that is used as a solution to the hair problem and guaranteed permanence. This transfer is carried out by transferring the hair follicles taken from the region where healthy hair is located to the bald area. Hair transplantation is now extremely simple and practical with the possibilities offered by the latest technology. There are not many criteria required to have hair transplantation. You can sow as you wish, with the method you want and get the look you want. There is no risk if done correctly. You do not need to stay in the hospital after the operation. Again, you will not experience great problems that will affect your daily life after the operation. Of course, there are issues to be considered after each operation. As long as these are taken into consideration, do not intimidate your hair transplant operations.

Common Problems in Hair Transplantation

Most people do not have enough information about hair transplant operations, which are known as the most permanent method of refugees with hair problems. If you do not know or apply the items to be considered about the operation or before and after the operation, the results you may get may disappoint you. Although it sounds like a simple operation, surely each operation has its own difficulties. We can make these difficulties easier for ourselves by listening to experts' suggestions.

If you are considering the operation of hair transplantation centers, the first thing to do will be detailed research. You can start your research with the topic of which specialist you can trust. Not every hair transplant operation can be performed successfully by every plastic surgeon. The first of the most common problems starts here. Therefore, finding an expert you can trust will both relieve you psychologically and you will be much more satisfied with the result you will get. After finding a specialist, you can get an idea of ​​what you want to look after after the operation, which technique is more appropriate to use during surgery, and whether you are ready for the operation in terms of health before the surgery. In this way, many question marks in your mind are eliminated and you can look more warmly at the hair transplant operation.

Talking about these things, the other thing you can do when the operation comes to your mind should be following the advice of your doctor before and after the surgery. These recommendations are very important for your health. Other problems, some patients say that they experience pain after hair transplant operations. Since this is related to the technique used, it may be considered normal to have postoperative experience. Likewise, the rashes seen are normal and will disappear spontaneously within 1 week.

How much is hair transplantation? Hair transplanted after its operation will experience a hair loss called shock loss. This spill is also extremely normal. Hair will begin to grow in 3 months after shedding. In the months that follow, you may observe that some parts of your hair are less frequent. Therefore, in order to make the evaluation clearly, it would be more appropriate to perform the hair growth process after waiting 8 months after this loss.

Fees for Hair Transplantation Operations

Considering that every job has a cost, this also applies to hair transplantation operations. While the developing technology offers some innovations to make our life easier, we have a cost to pay for these developments.

After many questions, such as how hair transplant operations are performed, which techniques are used, the advantages, disadvantages, and health benefits of these techniques, are the costs of this operation. Although the fee varies from experts, the techniques used or the hospital where you have performed this operation, we will examine the situations that affect the cost of this and the situations that change between three and five while charging.

First of all, there is a general situation for prices in general. The pricing for hair transplantation is done on the implanted unit hair. Your doctor will determine the number of strands required for a nice and natural look, but if you do not want to be expensive in terms of fee and force your budget, you can reduce this number. In addition to reducing it, you can also duplicate it. But in order to gain a nice look and not be disappointed, it is useful to apply the number determined by your doctor.

                Techniques used in hair transplantation are also important factors affecting the cost. For example; The fut technique, where a piece of skin is cut from the nape part for planting, and the roots are transported from there, is cheaper than the fue technique, where the hair follicles are taken from the nape or from any suitable area and planted one by one. However, you will appreciate that this cheapness or cost varies according to the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques.

Another factor that affects the price is the hospital you prefer in hair transplant operation and the number of people involved in your surgery. Hair transplantation prices vary according to the selected hospital. Since the number of people in the operation is high in the hair transplantation, there will be a decrease in the price due to the fact that the number of specialists becomes easier, but when the number of specialists becomes more difficult, a small increase in the cost will also be observed since the effort given by a person will be more.

What is Hair Transplantation?

Although it is known that it is mostly seen in male individuals, hair transplantation is applied as a permanent solution for the hair loss problem that appears to occur for different reasons in women. The hair, which is placed in the areas where hair is shed, saves the individuals from hair loss problems with positive effects. Especially, the application of hair transplantation performed smoothly and successfully creates results that make people happy.

Who Can Apply Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is applied to men and women adults with hair loss problems. However, the main issue to be considered here is a set of tests that the specialist doctor will apply to the individual before the procedure and the follow-up whether the elements that will cause problems after the application will be found in the individuals.
This means that the people who will have a transplant should learn if they have diabetes or an oncological disease or determine whether there is any allergic reaction to the medical devices / solutions to be used in the application.
Another important point is that if the number of roots to be applied cannot be found in the regions where the roots will be taken, the patient cannot be subjected to hair transplantation. The advantage of men at this point is that if there is not enough root in the nape parts, the roots of the beard or chest hair can be examined and evaluated.

What are the causes of hair loss that requires hair transplantation?

Each hair strand in our head grows and grows from our hair follicles called "graft". 1-4 strands of hair come out of each graft in our scalp. The main reason for hair loss is that it doesn't get enough nutrients from the hair follicles we are talking about. As an example, while 100 hair loss per day can be considered normal, more than this number will be abnormal and after a while, the hair transplantation process can be reached.

While the most important factor in men is seen as genetic causes; In addition, factors such as stress, sad mood, incomplete or improper nutrition play an active factor in the process of hair transplantation. Likewise, these reasons for women cause hair loss; Hair loss processes are observed in one part of the head, which first manifests itself as a ringworm, and then progresses as a serious rarity.

At this point, it should be noted that before applying hair transplantation, it is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist physician in his work and to choose the most suitable hair transplantation method in order to obtain results depending on the reason.

What are the things to do before hair transplantation?

It is the most advantageous situation for patients to enter the operation in a way that minimizes the risk of bleeding. In order to be in this situation, conditions such as sexual intercourse, sports activities, alcohol use or smoking that cause thinning of the blood should be left at least 1 week before surgery. However, it is strongly recommended that the tests requested by the physician who performs the application be carried out completely. A competent specialist will not normally intervene without asking you for these test results or making a mutual evaluation of the results.

How is Hair Transplantation Performed?

Hair transplantation is generally performed by planting the hair follicles taken from the nape in areas where there is no hair. How long the procedure takes will depend entirely on the width of the area of ​​the person's hair. This means that if the area to be transplanted is large, the application can only be completed in a few sessions. This method, which is carried out in a hospital environment with local anesthesia to the person, ends with the discharge of the person with a headband special for this aesthetic process, which will be worn on the head within 1 or 2 hours after the session is completed.
After the first procedure, as we mentioned earlier, applications are performed in more than one session when necessary, and if necessary, 2-3 day home rests are considered unchanged for each patient. After this process, it is possible to continue the normal life of the individual, provided that the head is kept closed. Apart from this, post-operative pain etc. In case complaints such as these occur, the complaints are tried to be eliminated with painkillers. The first dressing appointment is created 5 days after the application is made.

What are Hair Transplant Application Techniques?

Regardless of the type / technique of the applications to be carried out, the stages to be passed consist of four main lines. The processes proceed in order to either remove the hair collectively with the section taken or to remove them with grain roots, open the channels to be planted and place these roots in the opened channels.

What are the Hair Transplantation Results?

The point where patients worry is that the hair transplanted is lost within a short time after the operation. In fact, this is a normal condition seen in every patient because the hair that has shed is replaced by new root hair. This process only covers 3 months, sometimes 4 months, and sometimes longer. However, all hair that falls out within an average of 6 months will grow again and no shedding is observed as they have strong roots in the next process.

Hair Transplantation Prices 2020

In such applications, no specific pricing can be made. Hair transplantation prices are determined by the specialist who will perform the operation, after making the necessary checks, and a price scale according to the length of the application and the requirements.

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