Saturday, 7 March 2020

Hair Treatment Applications

In hair transplantation, many treatments are applied for hair first. The reason for these treatments is to strengthen the hair follicles. This is necessary for the grafts to be planted to be kept in full. Thanks to these treatment methods applied when the hair is weakened due to physiological aspects, the hair and the hair roots are strengthened.

The first method, RPR, is to repair the hair, skin and the hair follicles in it by using the materials in their own blood. The expansion of RPR is Platelet Rich Plasma. Although it is applied to people in a short time, its results are very effective. It is an effective method recommended by experts in hair loss. The purpose of this practice is to prevent hair loss in individuals with the substances used, strengthening the health of the hair again and strengthening the hair roots. In this method, since the people's own blood is used, there is no disease that will cause allergies or be transmitted from the blood. This shows that the treatment is good enough. Although the healing process takes a short time due to these conditions, the development of the hair is good. Since people's own blood is used, damaged hair and hair roots are repaired. RPR from hair treatment applications, blood is drawn from 10 to 20 ml from individuals. This blood is taken through certain methods to separate the red blood cells. A rich material is obtained from the remaining white cells and platelet cells and transferred to balding areas. Both men and women implement this method and get positive results.

Another hair treatment application is Hair Mesotherapy. This method, along with the hair roots, applies to the roots for healthy hair growth. The reason for being better than other methods is due to the fact that its drugs are given through small tubes. It does not have any side effects like other RPR method. This enables people to look positive when starting treatment. While applying this treatment, special tubes are injected into the designated areas thanks to special needles. Since it is made with a special method, the result satisfies the people more. These special drugs, which are given to capillaries from the middle of the skin, show a faster recovery process compared to other methods. Due to the substances in the applied product, it both speeds up the blood circulation and nourishes the hair follicles. This treatment method shows its effect by applying it between 4 to 10 sessions.

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